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// {{MadCap}} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright: MadCap Software, Inc - www.madcapsoftware.com //////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // <version></version> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var gPopupObj = null; var gPopupBGObj = null; var gJustPopped = false; var gFadeID = 0; var gTextPopupBody = null; var gTextPopupBodyBG = null; var gImgNode = null; function FMCImageSwap( img, swapType ) { var state = FMCGetMCAttribute( img, "MadCap:state" ); switch ( swapType ) { case "swap": var src = img.src; var altsrc2 = FMCGetMCAttribute( img, "MadCap:altsrc2" ); if ( !altsrc2 ) { altsrc2 = FMCGetMCAttribute( img, "MadCap:altsrc" ); } img.src = altsrc2; img.setAttribute( "MadCap:altsrc2", src ); img.setAttribute( "MadCap:state", (state == null || state == "close") ? "open" : "close" ); break; case "open": if ( state != swapType ) { FMCImageSwap( img, "swap" ); } break; case "close": if ( state == "open" ) { FMCImageSwap( img, "swap" ); } break; } } function FMCExpandAll( swapType ) { var nodes = FMCGetElementsByAttribute( document, "MadCap:targetName", "*" ); for ( var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) { nodes[i].style.display = (swapType == "open") ? "" : "none"; } nodes = FMCGetElementsByClassRoot( document, "MCTogglerIcon" ); for ( var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) { FMCImageSwap( nodes[i], swapType ); } nodes = FMCGetElementsByClassRoot( document, "MCExpandingBody" ); for ( var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) { nodes[i].style.display = (swapType == "open") ? "" : "none"; } nodes = FMCGetElementsByClassRoot( document, "MCExpandingIcon" ); for ( var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) { FMCImageSwap( nodes[i], swapType ); } nodes = FMCGetElementsByClassRoot( document, "MCDropDownBody" ); for ( var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) { nodes[i].style.display = (swapType == "open") ? "" : "none"; } nodes = FMCGetElementsByClassRoot( document, "MCDropDownIcon" ); for ( var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) { FMCImageSwap( nodes[i], swapType ); } } function FMCDropDown( node ) { // Find head node var headNode = node; while ( !FMCContainsClassRoot( headNode.className, "MCDropDown", "GlossaryPageEntry" ) ) { headNode = headNode.parentNode; } // Toggle the icon var imgNodes = node.getElementsByTagName( "img" ); for ( var i = 0; i < imgNodes.length; i++ ) { var imgNode = imgNodes[i]; if ( FMCContainsClassRoot( imgNode.className, "MCDropDownIcon" ) ) { FMCImageSwap( imgNode, "swap" ); break; } } // Hide/unhide the body var id = node.id.substring( "MCDropDownHotSpot_".length, node.id.length ); var dropDownBody = document.getElementById( "MCDropDownBody_" + id ); dropDownBody.style.display = (dropDownBody.style.display == "none") ? "" : "none"; } function FMCExpand( node ) { // Find top node while ( !FMCContainsClassRoot( node.className, "MCExpanding" ) ) { node = node.parentNode; } var nodes = node.childNodes; var imgNodes = node.getElementsByTagName( "img" ); // Toggle the icon for ( var i = 0; i < imgNodes.length; i++ ) { var imgNode = imgNodes[i]; if ( FMCContainsClassRoot( imgNode.className, "MCExpandingIcon" ) ) { FMCImageSwap( imgNode, "swap" ); break; } } // Hide/unhide the body var expandingBody; for ( i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) { var node = nodes[i]; if ( FMCContainsClassRoot( node.className, "MCExpandingBody" ) ) { expandingBody = node; break; } } expandingBody.style.display = (expandingBody.style.display == "none") ? "" : "none"; } function FMCPopup( e, node ) { // Don't continue if something is already popped up if ( gPopupObj ) { return; } if ( !e ) { e = window.event; } if ( FMCInPreviewMode() && document.documentElement.innerHTML.indexOf( "<!-- saved from url" ) != -1 ) { var span = document.getElementById( "MCTopicPopupWarning" ); if ( !span ) { span = document.createElement( "span" ); span.id = "MCTopicPopupWarning"; span.className = "MCTextPopupBody"; span.style.display = "none"; span.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "Topic popups can not be displayed when Insert Mark of the Web is enabled in the target." ) ); document.body.appendChild( span ); } gTextPopupBody = span; FMCShowTextPopup( e ); return; } // Toggle the icon var imgNodes = node.getElementsByTagName( "img" ); for ( var i = 0; i < imgNodes.length; i++ ) { var imgNode = imgNodes[i]; if ( FMCContainsClassRoot( imgNode.className, "MCExpandingIcon" ) ) { FMCImageSwap( imgNode, "swap" ); gImgNode = imgNode; break; } } // Find iframe node var popupBody; if ( node.nodeName == "AREA" ) { var iframeName = FMCGetMCAttribute( node, "MadCap:iframeName" ); var iframes = document.getElementsByTagName( "iframe" ); for ( var i = 0; i < iframes.length; i++ ) { var iframe = iframes[i]; if ( iframe.name == iframeName ) { popupBody = iframe; break; } } } else { while ( !FMCContainsClassRoot( node.className, "MCPopup" ) ) { node = node.parentNode; } var nodes = node.childNodes; for ( i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) { var node = nodes[i]; if ( FMCContainsClassRoot( node.className, "MCPopupBody" ) ) { popupBody = node; break; } } } // Hide/unhide the body if ( popupBody.style.display == "none" ) { gJustPopped = true; popupBody.MCClientX = e.clientX; popupBody.MCClientY = e.clientY; // Safari if ( FMCIsSafari() ) { var src = FMCGetMCAttribute( popupBody, "MadCap:src" ); if ( popupBody.src == "" || popupBody.src.EndsWith( "Blank.htm", false ) ) { popupBody.src = src; } if ( src.substring( 0, 4 ) == "http" ) { FMCIFrameOnload( popupBody ); // Safari bug: if src of iframe is external, onload event doesn't get triggered so trigger it manually. } else { popupBody.style.display = ""; // Triggers onload event } return; } // if ( popupBody.src == "" || popupBody.src.EndsWith( "Blank.htm", false ) ) { popupBody.src = FMCGetMCAttribute( popupBody, "MadCap:src" ); } else { FMCIFrameOnload( popupBody ); } } } function FMCIFrameOnload( popupBody ) { if ( popupBody.src == "" || popupBody.src.EndsWith( "Blank.htm", false ) ) { return; } else if ( popupBody.style.display == "" && !FMCIsSafari() ) // Mozilla: When the popup is clicked, the onload gets called twice, so return the second time. { return; } popupBody.style.display = ""; FMCSetPopupSize( popupBody ); var clientX = popupBody.MCClientX; var clientY = popupBody.MCClientY; var absolutePosition = FMCGetPosition( popupBody.offsetParent ); var absoluteTop = absolutePosition[0]; var absoluteLeft = absolutePosition[1]; var newTop = 0; var newLeft = 0; // "+ 5" is to account for width of popup shadow. if ( clientY + parseInt( popupBody.style.height ) + 5 > FMCGetClientHeight( window, false ) ) { newTop = FMCGetScrollTop( window ) + FMCGetClientHeight( window, false ) - parseInt( popupBody.style.height ) - 5; } else { newTop = clientY + FMCGetScrollTop( window ); } newTop -= absoluteTop; popupBody.style.top = newTop + "px"; if ( clientX + parseInt( popupBody.style.width ) + 5 > FMCGetClientWidth( window, false ) ) { newLeft = FMCGetScrollLeft( window ) + FMCGetClientWidth( window, false ) - parseInt( popupBody.style.width ) - 5; } else { newLeft = clientX + FMCGetScrollLeft( window ); } newLeft -= absoluteLeft; popupBody.style.left = newLeft + "px"; // Set up background var popupBodyBG = document.createElement( "span" ); popupBodyBG.className = "MCPopupBodyBG"; popupBodyBG.style.top = newTop + 5 + "px"; popupBodyBG.style.left = newLeft + 5 + "px"; popupBodyBG.style.width = parseInt( popupBody.offsetWidth ) + "px"; popupBodyBG.style.height = parseInt( popupBody.offsetHeight ) + "px"; popupBody.parentNode.appendChild( popupBodyBG ); gPopupObj = popupBody; gPopupBGObj = popupBodyBG; // gFadeID = setInterval( "FMCFade()", 10 ); } function FMCSetPopupSize( popupNode ) { if ( popupNode.style.width != "auto" || popupNode.style.height != "auto" ) { return; } // var clientWidth = FMCGetClientWidth( window, false ); var clientHeight = FMCGetClientHeight( window, false ); var stepSize = 10; var hwRatio = clientHeight / clientWidth; var popupFrame = frames[popupNode.name]; var maxX = clientWidth * 0.618034; var i = 0; // Debug //window.status += document.body.clientHeight + ", " + document.body.offsetHeight + ", " + document.body.scrollHeight + ", " + document.body.scrollTop; //window.status += " : " + document.documentElement.clientHeight + ", " + document.documentElement.offsetHeight + ", " + document.documentElement.scrollHeight + ", " + document.documentElement.scrollTop; // Safari if ( FMCIsSafari() ) { popupNode.style.width = maxX + "px"; popupNode.style.height = (maxX * hwRatio) + "px"; return; } // try { var popupDocument = popupFrame.document; // This will throw an exception in IE. FMCGetScrollHeight( popupFrame.window ); // This will throw an exception in Mozilla. } catch ( err ) { popupNode.style.width = maxX + "px"; popupNode.style.height = (maxX * hwRatio) + "px"; return; } while ( true ) { popupNode.style.width = maxX - (i * stepSize) + "px"; popupNode.style.height = (maxX - (i * stepSize)) * hwRatio + "px"; if ( FMCGetScrollHeight( popupFrame.window ) > FMCGetClientHeight( popupFrame.window, false ) || FMCGetScrollWidth( popupFrame.window ) > FMCGetClientWidth( popupFrame.window, false ) ) { popupNode.style.width = maxX - ((i - 1) * stepSize) + "px"; popupNode.style.height = (maxX - ((i - 1) * stepSize)) * hwRatio + "px"; break; } i++; } } function GetHelpControlLinks( node, callbackFunc, callbackArgs ) { var linkMap = new Array(); var inPreviewMode = FMCInPreviewMode(); var rootFrame = FMCGetRootFrame(); if ( !inPreviewMode && rootFrame.gHelpSystem.IsMerged() && FMCGetMCAttribute( node, "MadCap:indexKeywords" ) != null ) { function OnInit() { var indexKeywords = FMCGetMCAttribute( node, "MadCap:indexKeywords" ).replace( "\\;", "%%%%%" ); if ( indexKeywords == "" ) { callbackFunc( linkMap, callbackArgs ); } var keywords = indexKeywords.split( ";" ); for ( var i = 0; i < keywords.length; i++ ) { keywords[i] = keywords[i].replace( "%%%%%", ";" ); var currKeyword = keywords[i].replace( "\\:", "%%%%%" ); var keywordPath = currKeyword.split( ":" ); var level = keywordPath.length - 1; var indexKey = level + "_" + keywordPath[level].replace( "%%%%%", ":" ); var currLinkMap = indexFrame.gLinkMap.GetItem( indexKey.toLowerCase() ); // currLinkMap may be blank if keywords[i] isn't found in index XML file (user may have deleted keyword after associating it with a K-Link) if ( currLinkMap ) { for ( var key in currLinkMap.GetKeys() ) { linkMap[linkMap.length] = key + "|" + currLinkMap.GetItem( key ); } } } callbackFunc( linkMap, callbackArgs ); } var indexFrame = rootFrame.frames["navigation"].frames["index"]; indexFrame.Init( OnInit ); return; } else if ( !inPreviewMode && rootFrame.gHelpSystem.IsMerged() && FMCGetMCAttribute( node, "MadCap:concepts" ) != null ) { var concepts = FMCGetMCAttribute( node, "MadCap:concepts" ); var args = { callbackFunc: callbackFunc, callbackArgs: callbackArgs }; rootFrame.gHelpSystem.GetConceptsLinks( concepts, OnGetConceptsLinks, args ); return; } else if ( FMCGetMCAttribute( node, "MadCap:topics" ) != null ) { var topics = FMCGetMCAttribute( node, "MadCap:topics" ).split( "||" ); if ( topics == "" ) { callbackFunc( linkMap, callbackArgs ); } for ( var i = 0; i < topics.length; i++ ) { linkMap[linkMap.length] = topics[i]; } } callbackFunc( linkMap, callbackArgs ); } function OnGetConceptsLinks( links, args ) { var callbackFunc = args.callbackFunc; var callbackArgs = args.callbackArgs; callbackFunc( links, callbackArgs ); } function FMCTextPopup( e, node ) { // Don't continue if something is already popped up if ( gPopupObj ) { return; } if ( !e ) { e = window.event; } // Find top node while ( !FMCContainsClassRoot( node.className, "MCTextPopup" ) ) { node = node.parentNode; } // Toggle the icon var imgNodes = node.getElementsByTagName( "img" ); for ( var i = 0; i < imgNodes.length; i++ ) { var imgNode = imgNodes[i]; if ( FMCContainsClassRoot( imgNode.className, "MCExpandingIcon" ) ) { FMCImageSwap( imgNode, "swap" ); gImgNode = imgNode; break; } } // Hide/unhide the body var nodes = node.childNodes; for ( i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) { var node = nodes[i]; if ( FMCContainsClassRoot( node.className, "MCTextPopupBody" ) ) { gTextPopupBody = node; break; } } FMCShowTextPopup( e ); } function FMCShowTextPopup( e ) { if ( gTextPopupBody.style.display == "none" ) { if ( gTextPopupBody.childNodes.length == 0 ) { gTextPopupBody.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "(No data to display)") ); } gTextPopupBody.style.display = ""; FMCSetTextPopupSize( gTextPopupBody ); // "+ 5" is to account for width of popup shadow. if ( FMCGetClientY( window, e ) + gTextPopupBody.offsetHeight + 5 > FMCGetClientHeight( window, false ) ) { gTextPopupBody.style.top = FMCGetScrollTop( window ) + FMCGetClientHeight( window, false ) - gTextPopupBody.offsetHeight - 5 + "px"; } else { gTextPopupBody.style.top = FMCGetPageY( window, e ) + "px"; } if ( FMCGetClientX( window, e ) + gTextPopupBody.offsetWidth + 5 > FMCGetClientWidth( window, false ) ) { gTextPopupBody.style.left = FMCGetScrollLeft( window ) + FMCGetClientWidth( window, false ) - gTextPopupBody.offsetWidth - 5 + "px"; } else { gTextPopupBody.style.left = FMCGetPageX( window, e ) + "px"; } // Set up background gTextPopupBodyBG = document.createElement( "span" ); gTextPopupBodyBG.className = "MCTextPopupBodyBG"; gTextPopupBodyBG.style.top = parseInt( gTextPopupBody.style.top ) + 5 + "px"; gTextPopupBodyBG.style.left = parseInt( gTextPopupBody.style.left ) + 5 + "px"; FMCSetTextPopupDimensions(); gTextPopupBody.parentNode.appendChild( gTextPopupBodyBG ); window.onresize = FMCSetTextPopupDimensions; gPopupObj = gTextPopupBody; gPopupBGObj = gTextPopupBodyBG; gJustPopped = true; // gFadeID = setInterval( "FMCFade()", 10 ); } } function FMCSetTextPopupSize( popupNode ) { var clientWidth = FMCGetClientWidth( window, false ); var clientHeight = FMCGetClientHeight( window, false ); var stepSize = 10; var hwRatio = clientHeight / clientWidth; var maxX = clientWidth * 0.618034; var i = 0; while ( true ) { popupNode.style.width = maxX - (i * stepSize) + "px"; popupNode.style.height = (maxX - (i * stepSize)) * hwRatio + "px"; // "- 2" is to account for borderLeft + borderRight. if ( popupNode.scrollHeight > popupNode.offsetHeight - 2 || popupNode.scrollWidth > popupNode.offsetWidth - 2 ) { popupNode.style.overflow = "hidden"; // Since scrollbars are now present, temporarily remove them before enlarging the node or else they'll still be present popupNode.style.overflow = "auto"; // Allow scrollbars again. popupNode.style.width = maxX - ((i - 1) * stepSize) + "px"; popupNode.style.height = (maxX - ((i - 1) * stepSize)) * hwRatio + "px"; break; } i++; } // Debug //window.status = popupNode.offsetWidth + ", " + popupNode.scrollWidth + ", " + popupNode.offsetHeight + ", " + popupNode.scrollHeight; } function FMCToggler( node ) { // Don't continue if something is already popped up if ( gPopupObj ) { return; } // Toggle the icon var imgNodes = node.getElementsByTagName( "img" ); for ( var i = 0; i < imgNodes.length; i++ ) { var imgNode = imgNodes[i]; if ( FMCContainsClassRoot( imgNode.className, "MCTogglerIcon" ) ) { FMCImageSwap( imgNode, "swap" ); break; } } // Toggle all toggler items var targets = FMCGetMCAttribute( node, "MadCap:targets" ).split( ";" ); for ( var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++ ) { var nodes = FMCGetElementsByAttribute( document, "MadCap:targetName", targets[i] ); for ( var j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++ ) { if ( nodes[j].style.display == "none" ) { nodes[j].style.display = ""; FMCUnhide( window, nodes[j] ); } else { nodes[j].style.display = "none"; } } } } function FMCSetTextPopupDimensions() { gTextPopupBodyBG.style.width = gTextPopupBody.offsetWidth + "px"; gTextPopupBodyBG.style.height = gTextPopupBody.offsetHeight + "px"; } function FMCFade() { var finished = false; if ( gPopupObj.filters ) { var opacity = gPopupObj.style.filter; if ( opacity == "" ) { opacity = "alpha( opacity = 0 )"; } gPopupObj.style.filter = "alpha( opacity = " + (parseInt( opacity.substring( 17, opacity.length - 2 ) ) + 10) + " )"; if ( gPopupBGObj ) { opacity = gPopupBGObj.style.filter; if ( opacity == "" ) { opacity = "alpha( opacity = 0 )"; } gPopupBGObj.style.filter = "alpha( opacity = " + (parseInt( opacity.substring( 17, opacity.length - 2 ) ) + 5) + " )"; } if ( gPopupObj.style.filter == "alpha( opacity = 100 )" ) { finished = true; } } else if ( gPopupObj.style.MozOpacity != null ) { var opacity = gPopupObj.style.MozOpacity; if ( opacity == "" ) { opacity = "0.0"; } gPopupObj.style.MozOpacity = parseFloat( opacity ) + 0.11; if ( gPopupBGObj ) { opacity = gPopupBGObj.style.MozOpacity; if ( opacity == "" ) { opacity = "0.0"; } gPopupBGObj.style.MozOpacity = parseFloat( opacity ) + 0.05; } if ( parseFloat( gPopupObj.style.MozOpacity ) == 0.99 ) { finished = true; } } if ( finished ) { clearInterval( gFadeID ); gFadeID = 0; } } var MCFader = new function() { // Public methods this.FadeIn = function( node, nodeBG ) { var interval = 0; var funcIndex = -1; FMCSetOpacity( node, 0 ); FMCSetOpacity( nodeBG, 0 ); function DoFadeIn() { var opacity = FMCGetOpacity( node ); if ( opacity == 0 ) { function OnClickDocument() { node.parentNode.removeChild( node ); nodeBG.parentNode.removeChild( nodeBG ); gDocumentOnclickFuncs.splice( funcIndex, 1 ); } funcIndex = gDocumentOnclickFuncs.push( OnClickDocument ) - 1; } opacity += 10; FMCSetOpacity( node, opacity ); FMCSetOpacity( nodeBG, opacity / 2 ); if ( opacity >= 100 ) { clearInterval( interval ); } } interval = setInterval( DoFadeIn, 10 ); }; }